As a part of my Master's studies, I participated in UX Research for the redesign for the Quinnipiac University website. I enlisted the use of personas, cognitive walkthrough, heuristic evaluation, and task-oriented user testing. I also created a site-map and wireframes for the redesign. Above is an image of the original website. Below is a video of samples of user-testing I conducted, where I created the script and tasks to be completed.
A main usability problem found with the originally site was there were too many and too similar pages that sometimes had confusing or redundant labels. It was my goal to simplify the architecture and labeling to make navigating the site easier.
The completed research was submitted in a report to the redesign committee at Quinnipiac U. for consideration. Here is a link to the updated website. It has a vastly different design and with it a simplified architecture and labeling.